Putting Together the Essential Survival Gear

If you are part of a special operations unit or a fan of the great outdoors, one of the first things you must do is to gather the essential survival gear. To know what exactly constitutes the complete survival gear (and no, it doesn't include smartphones or tablets), you can take a page from the long-running reality TV program “Survivor” or from the zombie apocalyptic show “The Walking Dead.” Watching these TV favorites, you'll notice that the characters survive because they knew what to pack in their bags.

Two things that will be most useful to you when outdoors are tents and sleeping bags. You can choose tents in different styles, but perhaps the most ideal to use are the camouflage-style tents—just make sure they can be easily set up. Meanwhile, when it comes to sleeping bags, choose those that fit you snugly so you are guaranteed warmth. Like tents, be sure these snug sleeping bags are easy to get in and out of, otherwise, you'd feel more trapped than secure especially when a bear begins to approach.

Even the most brute of men suffer injuries too, and this is when a first aid kit comes in handy—complete with band-aids, antiseptic, gauze, and others. Another thing you should include in your survival kit is a multi-use pocket knife. A versatile pocket knife is one that can open canned foods, cut ropes, and even be used as a weapon against wayward boars or snakes.